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15 Ways to Take Your Furlough/Voluntary Pay Cut #14b "'Fur-lough, Sweet Chariot': An Academic Work Song"

Jacobia Hotel, William H. Johnson, 1930
Image removed.

[In the next in our "15 Ways to Take Your Furlough/Voluntary Pay Cut" series, James Treat, associate professor in Religion, offers a new variation on an old tune.]

"Fur-lough, Sweet Chariot": An Academic Work Song
(sung call-and-response, to the tune of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot")

Written by James Treat (Religion)

Fur-lough, sweet chariot
Coming for to send me home,
Fur-lough, sweet chariot,
Coming for to send me home.

I looked over Swanlund, and what did I see
Coming for to send me home?
A band of administrators coming after me,
Coming for to send me home.


Sometimes I'm up, and sometimes I'm down,
(Coming for to send me home)
But still my soul feels tenure bound.
(Coming for to send me home)


The saddest day that I can say,
(Coming for to send me home)
When Springfield swept my funds away.
(Coming for to send me home)


If I get there before you do,
(Coming for to send me home)
I'll cut a check and pull you through.
(Coming for to send me home)


If you get there before I do,

(Coming for to send me home)
Tell all my friends I'm furloughed too.
(Coming for to send me home)


Image removed.Swing Low Sweet Chariot, William H. Johnson, 1939