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Author's Roundtable I: Darieck Scott, 9/28

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On Monday, 9/28 the Unit for Criticism held the first of three Fall 2009 Author's Roundtables featuring Darieck Scott, Assistant Professor of African American studies at the University of California, Berkeley, discussing his forthcoming book Extravagant Abjection: Blackness, Power, and Sexuality in the African American Literary Imagination. Illinois respondents for this event were Marc D. Perry (Anthropology and African American Studies,) Richard T. Rodriguez (English & Latino/Latina Studies), and Emily Skidmore(History). We are pleased to post on Kritik a guest blog on the event by Dan Tracy (English) as well as the full responses for Rodriguez and Skidmore.

In the above photo, Darieck Scott and Marc Perry speak to one another.