[The first in the Unit for Criticism's multi-authored series of posts on Season 7 of AMC's Mad Men, posted in collaboration with the publication ofMADMEN, MAD WORLD: Sex, Politics, Style, andthe 1960s(Duke University Press, March 2013) Eds. Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Lilya Kaganovsky and Robert A. Rushing]
"Terminally Uncool, Unfunny, Lame"
Written by: Bruce Robbins (Columbia)
The opening credits have been predicting Don Draper’s fall at the beginning of every episode since Mad Men began airing. Last year, at the end of season six, it looked like the moment of professional collapse had finally come. But it also looked like Don’s breakdown in front of the Hershey brass and the indefinite time-out decided for him by his partners might be balanced by some sort of moral redemption. The breakdown itself comes in the form of compulsive and disinterested truth-telling, and the final sequence of last year’s final episode involved more of the truth: Don showing his children the brothel where he was raised. "Terminally Uncool, Unfunny, Lame"
Written by: Bruce Robbins (Columbia)
As the new season premiered last night, many viewers must have been asking themselves how this impulse would or wouldn’t take over and work itself out as the show draws to a close. To put this in a series of questions: what might moral redemption look like, if that’s what’s coming? Would it mean turning against advertising itself? When Don says (during the meeting where he self-reveals and self-destructs, but also earlier) that Hershey’s chocolate doesn’t need advertising, he is echoing a theme that the show has already raised and that may be its most fundamental link with the political vision of “the Sixties”: is the work these advertisers do worth doing at all? Is it good for us? If the answer is no, then what? We find ourselves lost in a dark forest of contradictions. Wouldn’t a rejection of all that professional success mean turning against the vice-ridden virtues by which viewers have been so charmed--turning against what got us so involved in the show to begin with? Are we ready for that?
In particular, what would a critique of the profession mean for the gradual emergence of women into the ranks of the professionally successful? After all, that emergence has become the show’s single most emotionally compelling line of development as, season by season, the men seemed to get more and more exhausted, empty, and self-repeating. Could Don redeem himself morally without undercutting the rising trajectory of Peggy and Joan? And if their success, too, is going to be undercut, will we get the familiar and distorted logic that associates women’s achievement at work with failure and desolation in private life? I’m not sure I can survive any more of that moral.
In the first episode of the final season, Don’s redemption retreats into the background. The hypothesis may hover, but it’s certainly not the narrative focus. If there is an active agent of that redemption, that agent would not be Don himself but rather Don’s replacement, Lou. More important than the casual racism and sexism of Lou’s banter is the fact that he seems terminally uncool, unfunny, lame. When he shoots Peggy down, it’s all blustering male chauvinist authority of a sort that makes you realize time really has gone by; he suddenly sounds like he comes from another decade. “I dunno, Peggy, I guess I’m immune to your charms.” He cannot see how good Peggy is! He thinks she is using her feminine wiles to get ahead! This situation clearly cannot last. As Alessandra Stanley has noted, among others, Don’s saving virtue thus far has been his ability to see virtue and potential in women he wasn’t making any effort to sleep with, especially Peggy and Joan. That’s among the many things his replacement is incapable of doing. Lou is there to make us want Don back.
It’s worth noting that Lou the replacement thinks in terms of professional vanity. He thinks Peggy should be pleased that one of her suggestions has been adopted. He does not think in terms of the actual value of the work. Which underlines how reliably Peggy herself does think in terms of the value of the work, even at the expense of her vanity or sense of self-worth. As if to make sure we’ve got the point, this logic is repeated in the parallel sequence involving Joan, Ken, and the Butler Footwear account. Ken, getting no charisma at all from his eye-patch, tells Joan he won’t take the scheduled meeting with Butler Footwear because he occupies too elevated a place in the firm to meet with someone so low on the Butler totem pole. His vanity is offended, and he acts accordingly. Joan, whose vanity has actually had a lot more to put up with, ignores slights to it and instead steps in to try to save the account. This means having to put up (like Peggy) with another dose of sexism. She shrugs off the personal conduct of Butler’s rep, who wants to talk only with a male counterpart, and instead goes off to do some extra homework, supplementing her lack of business-school credentials and discovering that instead of trading on her sex appeal, she can trade her own knowledge for someone else’s. And it seems to be working.
It’s the women who are acting in the firm’s self-interest rather than nursing their wounded pride. “I don’t care what you think,” Lou tells Peggy. Characteristically reluctant to put her own feelings first, Peggy later concludes, “Nobody cares about anything.” But it’s not true. It’s the men now running things who seem not to care about the quality of the work. The women do care.
So the women need Don back. Or do they? Are their competence and commitment so prominently displayed merely in order to make everyone forget our shared, cross-gender problem with the meaning of the work itself?
We discover at the end of the episode that Don is not yet completely out of the game. He has had Freddy fronting for him, and what Peggy rightly sees as the better idea for Accutron--the spiel directed into our eyes in the first sequence, as if we viewers had become the listening but invisible Peggy--really came from Don. It’s another meeting of the minds between Peggy and Don, though Peggy, not knowing and perhaps not caring where it comes from, in fact improves on Don’s idea. It’s also an indirect and bizarre reference to the McCarthy period, which was still ripping up all too many lives fifteen years after Senator McCarthy’s personal fall from grace. But what could it mean to identify Don with the blacklisted leftists who could only work in television if someone else pretended to be the source of their scripts? Don is no leftist. Just listen: there is Jon Hamm doing a voice-over while his body appears at the wheel of a Lincoln during the commercial break. One wonders whether the show can go any further than it has in questioning the social significance of the industry with which it is so tightly entangled.
Inspired by Lauren Goodlad’s use of Fredric Jameson last year, I speculate that the show’s most significant political commitments might not express themselves in its direct allusions to the Sixties, but rather lie buried (note to surface readers: not too deep) in its form. In this episode, the radical 60s are represented by Roger’s experiments in sexual freedom, which teeter on the brink of satire: “anyone’s welcome in this bed,” his new girlfriend tells him apropos of the unclothed male body on the other side of her. A bit more cleverly, the possibility of living differently is also represented by Freddy’s “ummm” in the first sequence, a syllable which is drawn out so as to sound like the “om” of “om madne padne om.” Politically speaking, there’s not much to work with here. Utopian desires seem as silly as getting a tan in LA or as the Shangri-La of the film “Lost Horizon,” a late-night television option on which Don and Megan decide to pass. When the rather more pertinent phrase “empty lives” is pronounced by none other than Richard Nixon, the show seems to be falling over itself in its generosity to other, non-radical voices.
At the more formal level, on the other hand, we have the viewer’s response (I don’t know the precise name for it) to Roger’s extraordinary and charming persistence in his being. His daughter, whose phone call has awakened him from an orgy to arrange a brunch, takes the occasion of the brunch to say she has forgiven him. Unmoved, he asks whether she wants him to say he’s sorry. His daughter indicates that that’s not what she wants. Does anyone want it? Is there any desire out there for Roger to do anything other than continue to be someone who will keep of good cheer and ready wit no matter what and will never, ever apologize? But if that is his charm and that’s how we want him to be, then do we really want a moral redemption?
As far as Don is concerned, the same principle applies: do we want him to stop womanizing? (His children do not appear in the episode.) Things with Megan in LA have been tense and tentative. “I don’t know why I feel nervous,” Megan says. Still, the sexual part of the reunion seems to go well when they finally get to it. Then there is the flirtation (with Neve Campbell!) on the red-eye back from LA to NY. Will Don allow his “I have to go to work” to stand? The harsh morning light that falls on his face as he raises the window shade is not nearly as harsh as what the sexy widow next to him has said, before she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder, about her husband. When Don asks how he died, she says “he was thirsty.” She says she was told by the doctor that that her thirsty husband would be dead in a year. That all of them would be. It sounds a lot like a prophecy. Of course we know the show will be. But we can’t help be curious about the charming crowd of drinkers we have come to know.
The Freddy/Don Accutron watch idea says that this timepiece is really a conversation piece. The same could be said of Mad Men itself-- it’s another bit of reflexivity with which we can credit Weiner’s television masterpiece. Weiner told an interviewer that what he wanted for the show was the generating of “water cooler moments”-- moments when, in the midst of work, even people who don’t watch a lot of television would realize that in order to keep up their conversational relations with their co-workers, they would just have to see the next episode. There is a certain fascination in the thought that this water cooler moment-producing show is at its deepest level a show about the value of work and social relations in the workplace.