Photos fromBIOS: Life, Death, Politics,
April 30 - May 1, 2010
Neni Panourgia (Columbia), Baris Karaagac (York), and Elizabeth Dauphinee (York)consider comments from the audience during the second panel.
The first day concludes with a keynote by Paul Kahn (right) on the distinction between criminal and enemy.
The second day opens with a keynote
address by Paul Rabinow (left).

Susan Greenhalgh (UC, Irvine), Sharad Chari (London School of Economics), and Jonathan Inda (Illinois) present papers on the obesity 'epidemic', the remains of apartheid in South Africa, and the intersection of race and the pharmaceutical industry.

Above Left: The conference concludes with a roundtable featuring short presentations by (pictured left to right) Emanuel Rota, Gilberto Rosas, A. Naomi Paik, and Jennifer Baldwin.
Above Left: The conference concludes with a roundtable featuring short presentations by (pictured left to right) Emanuel Rota, Gilberto Rosas, A. Naomi Paik, and Jennifer Baldwin.