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Photos from MAD WORLD: Sex, Politics, Style and the 1960s, 2/19/2010 First series

Michael Szalay delivers his morning
keynote address on the advent of market
segmentation in 1960s advertising.

Leslie Reagan and Clarence Lang speaking, respectively. on women's reproductive experience and civil rights in the 1960s.

Lilya Kaganovksy discusses gender and spectatorship.

Photos from the MAD WORLD symposium,
February 19, 2010.

Image removed.

Irene Small discussing art and aesthetics in Mad Men and its contexts.

Lynne Joyrich delivering the second keynote address with allusion
to a Sesame Street satire on Mad Men.

Dianne Harris speaking on Mad Men and interiors.

Image removed.Image removed.Rob Rushing fielding a question on the topic of the Italian director Antonioni.