A book manuscript workshop was held for Karen Flynn’s Black Pacific: The African Diaspora in East Asia. The book is an interdisciplinary ethnographic examination of the mobility of English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers of African descent from Canada, the United States, Britain and the English-speaking Caribbean who have chosen to travel to East Asia. Drawing on theoretical analyses culled from Black feminisms, diasporic, transnational and media studies, Professor Flynn argues that for millennials of African descent, mobility is intricately connected to a transnational network enabled by social media and the global hegemony of the English language. Workshop participants included Nan Kim (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee), Babacar M’Baye (Kent State University), Ikuko Asaka (UIUC), Leslie Reagan (UIUC), Angharad Valdivia (UIUC), and D.F. Ruggles (UIUC).