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“Queering French History”: Illuminating Lesbian Experience in the Archive

On October 17, 2023, Professor Tamara Chaplin (History UIUC) presented her talk “Queering French History” as part of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory’s Modern Critical Theory lecture series. “How do I name the queer past?” This is a question Tamara Chaplin grapples with throughout her book Becoming Lesbian: A Queer History of Modern France. In her Modern Critical Theory (MCT) lecture, Chaplin demonstrated how queer theory has informed her work as a historian. To begin uncovering how one might write a queer history of the past, Chaplin engaged the MCT...

Gabriela Abril Reyes

Gabriela is a third-year Master in Architecture and Master in Urban Planning candidate. She is interested in how political and sociological awareness shape design and spatial production practices....
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Kei Kato

Coming from Japan, Kei (pronounced kay-ee) joined UIUC in 2023 as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Geography and Geographical Science. His research interests lie at the...
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Erin Cheslow

Erin Cheslow is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of English at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She is interested in the ways in which oral forms emerged as a transnational...
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Gyudae "GD" Kim

Gyudae "GD" Kim is a Ph.D. student in Geography and Geographic Information Science. He has a BS in Environmental Economics and an MS in Geographic Information Science from UIUC. He was granted the...
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Decarceration, Disability, and Disepistemology

On Tuesday September 5, 2023, Professor Liat Ben-Moshe (University of Illinois, Chicago) delivered a lecture in the Modern Critical Theory lecture series for the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her talk was titled “Decarcerating Disability: Prison Abolition and Deinstitutionalization.” Quoted content is from the lecture unless noted otherwise. All images are by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay. Liat Ben-Moshe’s Modern Critical Theory lecture was a master class in public scholarship rooted in abolition and reclamation of disabled culture....
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