This symposium focuses on race-making as an imaginative act, constructed and articulated through rhetoric, broadly conceived as ranging from written and spoken discourse to visual communication and performance. Because of race-making’s shifting nature, the premodern origins of racialization and racial representation can contribute to our understanding of how racial rhetoric has been made material in the modern era.
Yonatan Binyam (Berkeley), Jamie Keener (UIUC), Nicole Lopez-Jantzen (BMCC CUNY), Sierra Lomuto (Rowan), Dan-el Padilla Peralta (Princeton), Rachel Schine (UMD), Cord J. Whitaker (Wellesley)
Friday, November 8
8:30-9:00 AM | Breakfast
9:00-9:10 AM | Opening remarks by D. Fairchild Ruggles (UIUC) and Jamie Keener (UIUC)
9:10-10:00 AM | Dan-el Padilla Peralta (Princeton), "Diasporic Acts: Pentecostal Languaging and the Rejection of Racial Capitalism"
Moderator: Clara Bosak-Schroeder (UIUC)
10:00-10:50 AM | Nicole Lopez-Jantzen (BMCC CUNY), "Race and Gender in the Writings of Ammianus Marcellinus"
Moderator: Carson Koepke (UIUC)
10:50-11:00 AM | Break
11:00-11:50 AM | Yonatan Binyam (UC Berkeley), "Imagining Antisemitism in Antiquity: Histories, Theories, and Narratives"
Moderator: Brett Kaufman (UIUC)
11:50 AM -12:40 PM | Jamie Keener (UIUC), "Uncanny Relationality and Racialization in Sir Orfeo"
Moderator: Carol Symes (UIUC)
12:40-2:00 PM | Lunch and visit to Rare Book Manuscript Library (RBML)
2:00-2:50 PM | Sierra Lomuto (Rowan), "Race and the Mongol Empire in Chaucer's Squire's Tale"
Moderator: Robert Barrett (UIUC)
2:50-3:40 PM | Cord J. Whitaker (Wellesley), "'Blake men, blake, are aboute, me to take': the language of race-thinking and how we see color"
Moderator: Jamie Keener (UIUC)
3:40-3:50 PM | Break
3:50-4:40 PM | Rachel Schine (UMD), "Popular Literature and Racecraft in the Medieval Muslim World"
Moderator: Mauro Nobili (UIUC)
4:40-5:00 PM | Discussion
5:00-6:00 PM | Reception at The Bread Company