[Here is the fourth in our multi-authored series of posts on Mad Men season 4, posted before the publication ofMAD WORLD: Sex, Politics, Style and the 1960s (Duke University Press.]"THE...
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- [The third in our multi-authored series of posts on Mad Men season 4, published before the publication ofMAD WORLD: Sex, Politics,...
- [ The second in the Unit for Criticism's multi-authored series of posts on Season 4 of AMC's Mad Men was published in anticipation of MAD WORLD: Sex, Politics, Style, and the 1960s (Duke...
- [This post was published in anticipation of completing a co-edited volume that includes collected papers from February's symposium,...
- [Below Joseph Swenson, a grad student affiliate in Philosophy and recipient of a Unit for Criticism travel grant last fall, writes about his conference paper on Dewey's theory of aesthetic experience]Experience in Context: Revisiting DeweyWritten by Joseph Swenson (Philosophy)In October 2009 I presented a paper at the 67th...
- [Each year the Unit for Criticism provides travel grants to select graduate student affiliates, inviting awardees to publish a post on Kritik about their paper. Below Amy Hasinoff,, a grad student affiliate in ICR, writes about a conference paper she delivered in fall.]No right to sext? Recent federal case avoids considering teens...
- Left: Henrietta Lacks and her descendants[As part of our continuing coverage of last week's conference, BIOS: Life, Death, Politics, Kim O'Neill writes on Priscilla Wald's keynote address]Priscilla Wald on Cells, Genes, and StoriesWritten by Kim O’Neill (...
- Left: Guards lead a detainee at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base[In our continuing coverage of the 4/30-5/1conference, BIOS: Life, Death, Politics, Michael Verderame writes on the afternoon keynote lecture by Paul Kahn (Yale Law)]Written by Michael...
- [As part of our continuing coverage of the April 30-May 1 conference, BIOS: Life, Death, Politics, we are pleased to publish a version of Gilberto Rosas' contribution to the Closing Roundtable]"Illiberal Technologies and Liberal Societies"Written by...
- Liberia c. 2002[The latest addition to the Unit for Criticism's "15 Ways to Take Your Furlough/Voluntary Paycut" series on higher education is by George Gollin, professor of physics, writing on the St. Regis University diploma mill and the social obligations of academics. ]"Slaying the Dragons of Opportunity"Written by George Gollin (...
- Priscilla Wald (Duke) opens the conference with her keynote address, "Human Being After Genocide: Cells, Genes, and Stories." Photos fromBIOS: Life, Death, Politics,April 30 - May 1, 2010Timothy...
- Tom Joslin and Mark Massi, Silverlake Life[On April 30 and May 1, 2010, the Unit for Criticism partnered with the Holocaust, Genocide and Memory Studies initiative for a a conference, BIOS: Life, Death, Politics. In the first of a series of guest...
- [Below is the text from Siobhan Somerville's response to Martin Manalansan's April 19 lecture, "Travels of Disaffection: Labor, Affect and Migration"]“I also feel like I’m free”: Disaffection, Alienation, and Sexual PoliticsA Response to Martin Manalansan’s “Travels of Disaffection”Written by Siobhan Somerville (English and Gender...
- [On April 19, 2010 the Unit for Criticism hosted "Travels of Disaffection: Labor, Affect, and Migration," a lecture by Martin Manalansan, associate professor of Anthropology and Asian American Studies. Siobhan Somerville, associateprofessor of English and Gender & Women's Studies, responded.]Paper Dolls and The Global Heart...
- [The latest additions to the Unit for Criticism's "15 Ways to Take Your Furlough/Voluntary Paycut" series on higher education are by Zsuzsa Gille, associate professor of sociology, writing on university administration from the perspective of neoliberalism, and James Treat, associate professor of religion, waxing lyrical...