[On October 30, the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory hosted a lecture by Nicholas Estes ( University of New Mexico) entitled ""Indigenous Studies: As Radical as Reality Itself" as part of the Fall 2018 Modern and Critical Theory Lecture Series. Below is a response to the lecture from Helen Makhdoumian (English). ] "Indigenous Studies: As Radical as Reality Itself": Nicholas...
Block Reference
- [On October 16, the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory hosted a lecture by Shona Jackson (Texas A&M) entitled “Postcolonial Theory, Sort of, Not Really, Maybe Not at All” as part of the Fall 2018 Modern and Critical Theory Lecture Series. Below is a response to the lecture from Md Alamgir Hossain (English).] “Postcolonial Theory, Sort of, Not Really, Maybe Not at All”:...
- [On October 2, the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory hosted a lecture by Geoffrey Bennington (Emory) entitled "Politics in Deconstruction" as part of the Fall 2018 Modern and Critical Theory Lecture Series. Below is a response to the lecture from Robin Sudanan Turner (French & Italian).] "If it worked, we wouldn't need it": On the Politics of Deconstruction Written by Robin Sudanan...
- [On October 9, the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory hosted a lecture by Jana Sawicki (Williams) entitled “Foucault, Biopolitics, and the Importance of Experiments in Living” as part of the Fall 2018 Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series. Below is a response to the lecture from Patrick Kimutis (English).] Jana Sawicki on “Foucault, Biopolitics, and the Importance of Experiments in...
- [On September 15, 2018 the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory and the School of Art + Design hosted a conversation between Anna Tsing and Ryan Griffis (Art + Design) as a part of the symposium Unnatural Disasters: Climate Change and the Limits of the Knowable. Below is a response by Angela Baldus (Art Education).] Experiments in Collaboration: A Conversation with Anna...
- [On September 14, 2018 the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory hosted Stacy Alaimo (UT Arlington) and Richard Keller (UW Madison) on a panel moderated by Zsuzsa Gille (Sociology) a part of the symposium Unnatural Disasters: Climate Change and the Limits of the Knowable. Below is a response to the panel by Brian F. O'Neill (Sociology).] Of Asphalt and Aquatic Snails:...
- [On September 13th, 2018 the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory hosted the lecture "The More than Human Anthropocene" by visiting scholar Anna Tsing (UC-Santa Cruz). Below is a response to the lecture by Michael Uhall (Political Science).] Salvaging the Feral Written by Michael Uhall (Political Science) Most of...
- [On April 12th, 2018 artist Joana Moll delivered an artist talk for Technocultural Futurisms, a symposium affiliated with the university-wide initiative Illinois 150: The 21st Century University and Research for the Public Good. Below is a response to Moll's artist talk by Asiya Ikhsanova (Comparative and World Literature).] Response to Joana Moll's Artist Talk...
- [On April 10th, 2018 author Amitav Ghosh delivered the keynote address entitled "Embattled Earth: Commodities, Conflict and Climate Change in the Indian Ocean," for the university-wide symposium Illinois 150: The 21st Century University and Research for the Public Good. Below is a response to the lecture by Dilara Çalışkan (Anthropology).] Response to Amitav Ghosh's lecture “Embattled...
- [On March 27th, 2018 the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory hosted the lecture “The Open Secret of Racial Capitalist Violence” by visiting scholar Jodi Melamed (Marquette). Below is a response to the lecture by professor Mimi Thi Nguyen (Gender and Women's Studies and Asian American Studies).] Response to Jodi Melamed's lecture "The Open Secret of Racial Capitalist Violence" Written by...
- [On March 27th, 2018 the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory hosted the lecture "The Open Secret of Racial Capitalist Violence" by visiting scholar Jodi Melamed (Marquette). Below is a response to the lecture from Ezgi Guner (Anthropology).] Logics and Logistics of Racial CapitalismWritten by Ezgi Guner (Anthropology) Jodi Melamed began by acknowledging...
- [On January 18th, the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory hosted the lecture “'Interior Frontiers:' As Political Concept, Diagnostic, and Dispositif'” by Nicholson Distinguished Visiting Scholar Ann Laura Stoler (New School). Below is a response to the lecture from Mark E. Frank (East Asian Languages and Cultures).] Thinking with StolerWritten by Mark E. Frank (...
- [On November 28, the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory hosted the lecture “The Future of Queer Theory / The Usure of Modernist Form” as part of the Fall 2017 Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series. The speaker was Andrew Leong (Northwestern U). Below is a response to the lecture from Diana Sacilowski (Slavic Literatures & Languages)] The Past Futures of Queer Theory...
- [On November 9th, 2017, the CAS/MillerComm Lecture Series hosted the lecture "Potential History of the Archive: The Micro Study of a Macro Institution," given by Ariella Azoulay (Brown University). Below is a response to the lecture from Laura Elizabeth Shea, PhD Candidate in Art History.] Ariella Azoulay: Potential History of the...
- [On October 17, the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory hosted the lecture “Precarious Futures, Precarious Pasts: Climate, Terror and Planetarity” as part of the Fall 2017 Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series. The speaker was Gaurav Desai (University of Michigan). Below is a response to the lecture from Brandon Jones (English)] Toward Reparative Justice: Climate-Induced...